Contacting Matt

Get in touch. Say hello!

If you have any questions about Matt's Cattle Foot Trimming services, please do get in touch.

Please call Matt on 07919 280 536

Alternatively, email us at or use the form below

We look forward to hearing from you.

Matt Tutt and Co

1000){$error_array[] .= "Message text is too long, limit: 1000 characters.";} if($_POST['email_to'] == "no_email") {$error_array[] .= "Please select which department you would like to send this message to.";} $email_to = $emailers[$clean_subject]; $subject = "Cattle Foot Trimming website Contact Form email from $clean_sender_email, originally sent on " . date("d/m/Y"); if ($_POST['submit']){ if(!$error_array){ //There is no error, send email $headers = 'From: ' . $clean_sender_email . '' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: ' . $clean_sender_email . '' . "\r\n"; $message_text = "Name: $clean_name\nEmail: $clean_sender_email\nPhone Number: $clean_phone\n\nMessage: \n\n$clean_message_text"; if (mail($email_to, $subject, $message_text, $headers)) { $email_success = true; } } } ?>

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